
Monday-Friday: 8:30-17:00 / GSM: +372 502 8940 / WhatsApp: +372 502 8940 / E-mail: / Skype: liivikas

Shelf Companies for Sale

A ready-made company (or a sleeping company, or a sleeping private limited company or a shelf company) designates a company, which has been entered into the Commercial Register and the share capital of which can be implemented without any delay.


This is the reason why people, instead of founding a private limited company, rather opt for buying a sleeping company. After executing sales and purchase transaction at the notary, you can immediately start to act on behalf of this company without any delay.


Upon buying a company there is no need to pay the share capital (2500 €) to a bank account, because the capital has already been paid by the seller.


We offer companies, which have been registered in our name, have not had any economic activities and have neither debts nor obligations before third persons.

We shall certify this fact with our signature in the notarized purchase and sell agreement.


Price of a Ready-made company:

– 1 person 540 €;

– 2 person 570 €

– 3 person 600 €


The price covers:

– changing of the address;

– changing of the name;

– changing of the composition of the mangement or supervisory board;

– state fees;

– notary’s fees.




1. Liivikas OU is a licensed provider of corporate services, and has a right to provide address service


Address service for 1 year costs 300 €

Address service for 2 years costs 500 €



2. No field of activities is added to the Articles of Association as of January 1, 2007

The field of activities are disclosed by owners in the Appendix to the Annual Report.


According to the Estonian Business Law limited liability companies can operate in all fields of activity that are not forbidden by law, i.e. operation is not allowed in the fields that require permission or licence.



3. Business name


When choosing a new business name it must be observed that it should differ from the existing business names by at least two characters and it should sound differently and it should have a different meaning and it should not be a trademark.

The suitability of a business name can be checked using the following link »» 


If the name of a company which is on sale is not suitable for the buyer, the name can be changed free of charge.


In case you want to buy a private limited company, you have to give us You Data »» at least one day prior to the notarized transaction.



Monday-Friday: 8:30-17:00


GSM: +372 502 8940

WhatsApp: +372 502 8940


Skype: liivikas



Liivikas OÜ / Nurme 16, 11621 Tallinn, Estonia / Skype: liivikas / E-mail: / GSM: +372 502 8940 / WhatsApp: +372 502 8940